世界大學運動總會會長Oleg Matytsin在今天開幕致詞時,特別指出:「No one can stop our students.」,並代表大會針對開幕典禮些許的延誤而道歉。

▲世界大學運動總會長Oleg Matytsin脫稿致詞(圖/記者林敬旻攝)
柯文哲市長以大會主任委員身分致詞時,按照原先的講稿鏗鏘有力的致詞,並未針對場外事件而更改內容。而FISU會長Oleg Matytsin致詞時,先針對今天開幕的因故延遲向大家道歉。Oleg Matytsin並且說,有些美好的事物是值得等待的,但是沒有任何事情能阻擋我們這些學生。而最後感謝大家一樣給予進場學生們的熱烈歡迎。
Oleg Matytsin要求所有參加台北世大運的學生,在未來12天的比賽中,要保持高度的熱情。
I expect you noticed that there was a small delay in bringing some of the athletes into the stadium earlier this evening. I am sorry for the delay. But you know, sometimes, the best things are worth waiting for. And I want to thank you all for your very warm welcome. I have only one request: please keep cheering that that loud at competitions for the next 12 days.